The Gladiators have a great game on Saturday May 1st at 2 pm against some tough competition to the brothers from Boise United RFC at 3197 N Ashton Blvd in Lehi. After a tough scrimmage last Friday, the team has been pushing on attending practice and getting their defense down.
Here are some major components that have been thought about while trying to improve:
1. Get organised quickly: This also means having their heads up and looking at the opposition.
2. Communicate: This is the key to organizing a defense. Communication must be:
Accurate: “I’ve got the center”, “stay wide”, “you’ve got him”, “up fast”. All clear, short messages that are easily understood.
Noisy: Each player must let his opposite number know he’s got them in his sights. The team must let the opposition know that you’re organised and can’t wait to get in among them.
Positive: Players must praise each other when tackles are made and support the player who misses a tackle.
Constant: When players are physically and mentally exhausted they still need to communicate effectively.
3. Move forward: They must look to cut down the opposition’s space and time.
4. Have good technique: They must enjoy and take pride in their tackling.
5. Be committed to every tackle: They must want to put the man on the ground every time and then be able to get up quickly, challenging for the ball and winning turnovers.
6. Be flexible: The players must be able to react to the attack.
7. Be supportive of each other: I mean both physically, doubling-up in tackles, providing cover, getting to break downs quickly, and provide each other motivation, praising good tackling, encouraging a player who misses a tackle and things like that.
It's about getting our minds right!
The players’ mindsets need to be right for defense. We are trying to be enthusiastic about it and praise the players in games and training.
Training has been great this week with a good turnout. Practice till perfection and then practicing even more so we never make a mistake. Gladiator STRONG!
Join us this Saturday for the last Scrimmage before the season starts on May 8th!
